Category: Leadership

Necessary and Simple 

Two incredibly valuable questions in business and life:  Is it necessary?  Can it be simplified?   I recently read a fascinating book that takes you back

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Help Others Succeed 

I think we all secretly (or not so) crave success. Whether we consider success to be wealth, fame, power, control, or any other thing. But

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The Right People 

How do you get the right people in the room if the makeup of the room is already set?  I’ve written before about the importance

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Time, Money, and Meaning 

I recently heard an interviewer say that everyone essentially wants the right balanced combination of time, money, and meaning (or impact) in their work.  The

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Extend the Runway 

A client and I were recently discussing a sense of anxiety at the start of the new year. We laughed because the client couldn’t understand

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