Category: Consulting

Fits and Bursts 

Have you ever noticed that business growth is not a straight upward line?  I know that question sounds silly because, of course, we all know

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The deeper I get into my professional life, the more I realize the power of convening the right people.  Life is all about relationships. In

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Extend the Runway 

A client and I were recently discussing a sense of anxiety at the start of the new year. We laughed because the client couldn’t understand

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All Your Eggs 

Are all your eggs in one basket? Or are you well-diversified with optionality?  I frequently hear alarming strategies that hinge entirely on one primary customer,

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Different Continuums 

We often see two things as different ends of the same continuum, but this is frequently flawed.  Dislike of one thing doesn’t automatically imply like

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The ultimate key to success as a business owner or leader? Stay alive.  This may sound silly but think of a video game: if you’re

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Enough, Revisited 

Merriam-Webster defines “enough” as “occurring in such quantity, quality, or scope as to fully meet demands, needs, or expectations”.1  A few years ago, I wrote

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