Category: Consulting

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Ever have one (oh who are we kidding…several!) of those days where you just aren’t motivated? Can’t get going? Have the luxury of dragging a

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Time. The great equalizer. Our most precious and valuable resource. While just about everything else can be bought or built, we cannot create more time.

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Isn’t inconvenience all about perception? What may be a real pain for you may be only a minor annoyance, or even a positive opportunity, for

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Tips on Leadership

Here’s a great quote that presents a fun visual: “a fish rots from the head down”. Poor leadership is the source of many, many business

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In my management classes, I teach students the basic six-step decision making process. You know: identify the problem, develop some decision criteria, generate solution options,

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What’s the Answer?

Here is an all-too-frequent exchange in my classes: Me: So, the definition of <insert random management term> is <insert definition>, but what’s really important about

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Every day we wake up and know what we should do. Much of it involves pushing ourselves to do things we’re not quite ready to

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