Do you know what the key to success seems to be? Yes, consistency.
Bursts of energy, enthusiasm, and inspiration rarely last.
Willpower, like muscles, grows weary by the end of the day, worn down by hundreds of minor decisions.
Environment can help but depends on good decision-making to set up the environment to support good habits and choices.
A sense of identity provides motivation for difficult choices, but it’s easy to adapt our identity to whatever we need it to be in the moment.
Luck does play an important role, but proper positioning to take advantage of lucky breaks is what makes luck useful.
On and on the list goes of reasons why everything else doesn’t quite get the job done.
But consistently showing up and doing the boring, mundane, routine, stupid obvious work day after day is the one thread that runs through every success story.
The basketball player who insists on one hundred free throws in a row every day. The pianist who insists on perfection in playing scales and exercises at increasing tempos every day. The executive who insists on capturing commitments completely in calendar and organization systems every day. The business owner who insists on adherence to the standard operating procedures that comprise the unique way of doing things that sets her company apart. Jerry Seinfeld writing jokes every single day. Seth Godin publishing a new blog post every single day.
Every one of those examples, at its core, is about consistency.
Show up, do the work, and let the results compound over time. Every success story, every hard worker, every time.
The key to success: consistency.
And the cool thing about consistency? It usually allows you to outlast everyone else. And that’s when you really win!
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