Category: Strategy

A Fresh Coat of Paint Won’t Do 

Frustration with our business: employee problems, financial concerns, business generation challenges, out-of-control calendars, and to-do lists. We’ve all been there and will be again.  Slapping

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The People Investment 

I’m a firm believer that people are the most important resource in business. Nothing happens in organizations without the people, and our greatest opportunities and

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Too Controlled 

Too controlled is out of control, too.  We all understand that no control is out of control (hopefully). It’s an under-allocation of resources.  Too controlled

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On Change 

Have you noticed yet that the only constant is change? It’s cliché, but it’s accurate. Part of what makes our world what it is, is its

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Your Worst Days 

It’s a dreaded feeling. You wake up not feeling well and think, “Oh no! I can’t be sick today (this week). I have too much

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New, New, New 

Most people I know, myself included, are a bit obsessed with getting the latest, greatest, newest, best-est, most-est whatever. I heard a funny statement in

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Two Horses 

“You cannot ride two horses with one ass.” -Hungarian Proverb  Forgive the crudeness of that statement. I heard this Proverb on a podcast and loved

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