Accountability Measures 

Every organization needs a clear Mission, Vision, and set of Values. These are the driving forces that tell internal and external parties who we are, what we do, what we want to be, and how we live those three things daily. Every team member should know these things. These ideas should be reiterated and reinforced by the leader and the team members constantly, and they should be clear decision criteria for every activity. 

But there is another piece: what we measure. Organizations need accountability measures, for the leader, the team members, and the organization. These measures must be tied to the Mission, Vision, and Values if people are to take those three foundational keys seriously. The cliched saying “what gets measured matters” is true. 

Organizations that measure things unrelated to their Mission, Vision, and Values will get results. Those are not likely to be the results they care about, though. Organizations with no accountability measures are likely to get a free-for-all. 

Organizations with accountability measures directly linked to their Mission, Vision, and Values, whose progress is tracked and reported regularly have the best chance of actually being who they say that are, doing what they say they do, becoming what they hope to, and doing it in their unique way. 

Mission, Vision, and Values are critical, but they don’t stand alone. Metrics tell people what’s important and how they’re doing, but metrics alone are useless. Tying all four together creates a successful organization. 

“What gets measured matters.” Who are you? What do you do? What do you want to become? How and why? Measure progress on that. 


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Picture of Craig A. Escamilla
Craig A. Escamilla
Craig Escamilla helps you find solutions before problems exist. With fifteen years of consulting, teaching, and senior management experience, Craig brings a wealth of practical expertise to helping others work on rather than in their businesses.

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