Merriam-Webster: occurring in such quantity, quality, or scope as to fully meet demands, needs, or expectations.[1]
What is your definition? Nicer car? Better house? Bigger retirement account? Longer vacation? Different family? Weighing less? Newer gadgets? Keeping up with, or even outdoing, the Joneses?
When suddenly all these options were taken away or reduced in March 2020, did you take stock and reflect on what is “enough”?
If you don’t know what you really want and need, you’ll likely never have enough. If you do, you probably already do. And if you’re not sure, maybe a few minutes of thinking, reflecting, and a back-of-the-napkin plan can help.
Most of us already have more than enough. So much so that we’re distracted from it.
Do you have enough? Do you know?
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