Things to Consider for Your Post-COVID Strategy (Part 2)

I hope you’ve found a little relief from any concerns you are facing after considering some of the external factors for COVID recovery strategies from Part 1.

In this post, we will look at internal considerations, with a special focus on caring for your team during this recovery period. Again, I suggest thinking of your answers as a rough mind map with various branches that you will later re-evaluate for taking action. So, here we go…


Internal Analysis Questions to Consider

  • Resources
    • What is the status of our current resources? Think: human, financial, possible capital, equipment, facilities, other physical assets, and similar considerations. Are each of these strong, weak, neutral? Any needs? Any reductions necessary?
    • What resources do we have, but no longer need? Why not? What’s the best way to offload them? Any possible financial benefits to doing so?
    • What resources do we NOT have, but need? Why not? How can we acquire them? What financial and logistics considerations go into that?
  • Capabilities
    • What is the status of all of our standard processes and procedures?
    • What processes have we eliminated or do we need to eliminate? How did we, or will we, go about doing so? What have we learned that led us to this conclusion?
    • What processes have we added that we need to codify or develop further? Why? How will we do so? What do we need to do so?
    • What processes do we need to create or put in place? Why? How will we do so? What do we need to do so?
    • What do we still do better than anyone else? What has changed that adds or removes unique competitive advantages for us? Why? What do we need to do to act on that?
  • How do all of our previous answers impact our Mission, Vision, Goals, and Strategies?


  • People
    • How is our team doing? Are they burnt out? Stressed about personal issues? Stressed about professional issues? What’s the “tone of the room”, if you will?
    • Have we had a lot of turnover? Voluntary or involuntary? Why?
      • If involuntary, what are we doing to reassure those still here? What are we doing to prepare them for further turnover, if necessary? What are we doing to address any “survivor’s guilt”?
      • If voluntary, why did people leave in uncertain times?
      • What can we do better for our team based on what we’ve seen and learned?
    • What new work styles and habits have our people developed that we want to keep? Have we told them?
    • Are we confronting the reality that our team expects perspective changes as a result of the last year? Are we proactive in encouraging that feedback?
    • How are our internal communications? Are we checking on our people frequently? Are we thanking them enough? Are we proactively keeping them in the loop on our decisions? Do we have enough transparency?
    • Do our teams know how our vision, goals, and strategies are changing and/or staying the same? Do they remember what proactive work was like before the reactive last year? How can we help them establish new routines?
  • How do these answers impact our Mission, Vision, Goals, and Strategies?


Our journey will continue next with a look at high-level vision and goals. After that we’ll get down to the operational and strategy level, and finally, put it all together in lessons learned for future crises.


Need help guiding your organization through your post-COVID strategy? Contact us today to discuss your opportunities.

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Picture of Craig A. Escamilla
Craig A. Escamilla
Craig Escamilla helps you find solutions before problems exist. With fifteen years of consulting, teaching, and senior management experience, Craig brings a wealth of practical expertise to helping others work on rather than in their businesses.

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