Every person we encounter is on a journey, just like we are. Understanding these journeys may not always be our primary concern but doing so for our team members with whom we spend every day is a critical key to success for leaders. But how?
Ask-Talk to people. Ask them how they are. Really ask, with a genuine intent to understand and learn more about how you can help and support them.
Recognize-Call attention to the good, hard work people are doing. This doesn’t have to be a big public display with cake and prizes. A simple “thank you” or “that was really well done” goes a long way.
Take Interest-Learn about people. Do they have nicknames or go by short versions of their names? Spell their names correctly. Ask about, and remember, their families, friends, pets, lives.
Survey-Conduct formal surveys periodically to find out in a more structured, anonymous way how people are doing. What’s working, what’s not, what needs attention, what needs to change? The frontlines are the best sources of this information. Give them a voice.
Evaluate-Many leaders fear annual evaluation processes. These conversations shouldn’t be viewed as difficult, though, because they should be opportunities to praise the excellent work good people are doing and help those people see areas to improve and helpful, supportive ways to do so. Treat this like coaching and see how much easier it is to embrace.
Lead by Example-Never underestimate the impact of quietly joining the work with the team. Don’t schedule it, don’t call attention to it, just show up, do it, and have fun with it. Life changing for everyone.
There are hundreds of other things we can do, too, but try doing one of these in the next week. Watch what happens. Then try another…
“Taking care of loved ones in my world was not based on affection. It was based on the fear of losing them.”
― Clemantine Wamariya
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