Tag: success


The deeper I get into my professional life, the more I realize the power of convening the right people.  Life is all about relationships. In

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Work Differently 

I love David Allen’s quote, “The better you get, the better you’d better get.”  A twist on this is…as you achieve more success, you must

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Desirable Difficulty 

The wonderful Malcolm Gladwell, who is revisiting his first hit book The Tipping Point, introduced us many years ago to the concept of desirable difficulty. 

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Jeff Bezos famously said that if you can get the amount of work that you love doing to about 50% of the work you do,

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Different Games 

It occurred to me recently that most people are playing the same “games” as everyone else. The most successful people play their own, very different

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We Never Arrive 

Every person I’ve ever known in a leadership or ownership position is craving some form of getting everything “just so”. Once they do, they’ll finally

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Help Others Succeed 

I think we all secretly (or not so) crave success. Whether we consider success to be wealth, fame, power, control, or any other thing. But

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Handling Adversity 

How we handle adversity reveals everything about us.  After death and taxes, the next certainty in life is that we face adversity. Challenging situations can

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