Remember the fable of the tortoise and the hare? Slow and steady wins the race.
This is true in building and scaling businesses, too.
Most research shows that for a small or medium-sized business in growth mode, 10-20% year-over-year growth is the best and most sustainable goal. Certainly, exceptions exist due to unexpected great opportunities, but slow, steady, sustainable growth tends to be the norm among those who achieve lasting success.
Enduring great businesses also understand that shortcuts, sudden bursts of activity, and jumping at every new opportunity are recipes for disaster, just like the hare. Enduring great companies solidify a Mission and Vision and work relentlessly on those things, often at the expense of everything else (including fantastic new opportunities) until they achieve them.
The childhood fable seemingly becomes truer as we age. Skip the shortcuts, and ignore the shiny new objects. Put your head down and focus on consistently doing the boring, everyday work that leads to sustained success.
Slow and steady wins.
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