
The deeper I get into my professional life, the more I realize the power of convening the right people. 

Life is all about relationships. In our lives and professions, nothing, I repeat, nothing happens without people. 

Bringing the right people together with the right skillsets for the right tasks at the right time seems to be one of the most important keys to success. This is why investing in quality relationships with others, especially when you DON’T need anything from them, is so important. 

It’s not about building up a balance in some relationship account so you can make a withdrawal when you need to. It’s about sincere respect and appreciation for other people, for their talents and abilities, for their networks and connections, and for having a strong positive relationship with the world around you. 

Your ability to convene the group that can get done what needs to be is the capital that you bring to business success. It is more important than your skills, your experiences, your credentials, or pretty much anything else. The team, the group, the collective, solves the big problems. 

Being able to convene those who get stuff done is critical. 


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