Category: Productivity

Making Waves 

The only people not making waves of some kind are those sitting on the shore, not in the game.  If you want to do anything

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Lying to Ourselves 

In my last post, I discussed this quote from Jason Zweig (technically, from his father):  There are three ways to make a living:  1) Lie

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The Leader’s Job 

In many owner-operated businesses (this is true for solopreneurs, too), the leader feels an obligation to work the hardest. It’s the old “lead by example”

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Great Expectations 

“My people aren’t meeting expectations!”  A common frustration I hear from business owners. My reply is often, “Do they understand the expectations?” Employees are not

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Just Don’t Die 

Unfortunately, we will all face disappointments, rejections, and outright failures.  Many people will choose self-doubt, sadness, wallowing, and despair.  I have found that the most

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Take Care of Your Customers 

A recent exchange on social media:  Original Post:   My favorite business-building question:  “What’s the one thing, that if I stopped doing today, would immediately destroy

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What Must Be Done 

Dwight Eisenhower famously described leadership as, “the art of getting to others to want to do what must be done”.  Here are a few thoughts

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Over and Over Again 

One of the leader’s greatest responsibilities is to clarify, communicate, and reinforce expectations to team members.  Clarify means the leader herself must understand exactly what

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Competitor Analysis 

Business owners and leaders have a very important task when setting goals and determining strategies: analyze the internal and external environments.  Internal analysis tends to

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