Author: Craig A. Escamilla

Year-End Review

As a new year begins, many (most?) professionals will return from vacations, family gatherings, and other time off with a vague sense that some things

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The Keeper of the Spring

A short story with some commentary (shout out to ReStep Marketing for bringing this story to my attention!): In an Austrian village along the eastern

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On Luck

Don’t humans love the lucky break? The idea that someone going along minding their own business suddenly gets a life changing opportunity popped into their

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Show Up

Ever have one (oh who are we kidding…several!) of those days where you just aren’t motivated? Can’t get going? Have the luxury of dragging a

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Conflict Styles

One of the biggest challenges a leader will face is mediating or resolving his/her own conflicts with others. They say knowledge is power, and so

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